Whether you are a real estate agent or a real estate broker it is important that you are always marketing yourself in a positive manner. You simply cannot wait for people to approach you and just wait for the sale to happen. Sitting in your office all day just waiting for calls to come in will hardly get you enough money to pay part of your monthly expenses, especially if you are trying to make this your sole career and it is the main income for the household. You have to put yourself out there or you will never make it in this field. This involves more then just selling houses; it is also about selling your personality.
The key is marketing your name, and this is something that people often get discouraged about because they automatically assume that it is going to cost them way too much money. If you look around for good deals, you should have no trouble getting started with some sort of marketing plan. While the company you work for may start you out with some free business cards, this alone is not enough to get your name out there. In order to make the big bucks you have to market yourself as much as possible. Make your name a household name and you will be sure to get in more business than you can handle.
Good, old-fashioned door hangers, flyers, yard signs, and post cards are a great way to get your name known and to draw in more business. These can be created and printed at your local office-supply store for a reasonable fee. If you are lucky, you may be able to come across printing companies online that can offer better deals. While there is always going to be a small cost involved in marketing yourself, it is certainly nothing compared to advertising on a billboard. These marketing tools will certainly pay for themselves in no time at all, and then you can move on to bigger and better marketing tools if you would like.
Make sure that you are handing your business card to everyone you meet. When you are a real estate agent you are never off the clock. Even if that person you are talking to does not need your services they might know someone who does, so it is important to make sure that you are giving off a great impression to everyone you come across. Make yourself friendly and approachable and you will be surprised at the flocks of people that come your way. Keep that smile on your face and that winning attitude, and you will see how quickly people are drawn to you.
If you are able to get your hands on a few extra dollars for putting yourself out there, then you should deeply consider looking into direct mailings. The more your name gets put out there, the more someone will associate your name with the selling or purchasing or their home. As you get more hits you can expand your marketing technique into placing ads in the yellow pages or maybe even investing in a billboard you see everyday when you drive to the office. While it may take you a while to get to that point, it should certainly be one of your goals.
Going a step further, people find that their real estate careers really take off when they can advertise themselves on the television or radio. Even if people are not really listening to what is being said on that radio advertisement, subconsciously they are hearing your name and it may stick. Just make sure that you are getting yourself on a radio station that is a popular one for your local area. This is the only way to make sure that the money you spend on that advertisement is well worth it.
So whether you are entering the field as a real estate broker or as an agent, you want to make sure that you are putting your best foot forward at all times. Always hand out your card, always answer the phone at the office, and use all of the marketing tools you can get your hands on, as money allows. This is certainly an investment that will pay off and you will be glad you did not back down. The agents that fail are the ones who were not outgoing. In order to make sure that you are succeeding, all you have to do is get yourself out there, think positive thoughts, and market yourself nonstop.